Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Schools, and they inspect all schools in the UK.  Please click on the logo for our most recent report from February 2022 as well as access to our previous reports.

You may also let Ofsted know your views of our school, if you are a parent or carer of a current pupil at St Joseph's, through Parent View, by clicking on the logo below.

Achievement and Attainment Tables

Achievement and Attainment Tables

The Department for Education Website shows the latest Achievement and Attainment tables for St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. You can access these by clicking on the logo. 

CSI Logo

CSI Inspection - February 2024

All voluntary aided schools must receive a Section 48 Inspection which evaluates the school's provision for worship and religious education. This inspection is different from the Ofsted inspection, which is about the secular work of the school. However, the two inspections complement each other in the areas that they cover. Section 48 inspections cover the school's Catholic life and worship and its provision, work and achievements in the field of religious education.

Our latest Section 48 Inspection took place in February 2024 and we are proud to say that the school is rated GOOD. To read the latest report please click on the button below.