If your child is not offered a place at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Redhill, you have the right to appeal against that decision to an Independent Appeal Panel (set up in accordance with sections 88 and 94 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998).

Appeals must be made in writing and must set out the reasons on which the appeal is made.

Appeals should be made to the Clerk of Governors at the school address.

In year or immediate entry appeals

Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. You can access information and guidance on appeals by following the link below:

The right to appeal

If you are refused a place at any school you applied for, you have the right to make an appeal to an independent appeal panel. Where an application is refused, the school will set out the reason for refusal.

For applications for In Year Admissions, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. If parents wish to appeal, they must set out the grounds for appeal in writing.