There are eight foundation subjects;  Design Technology, Computing, History, Geography, P.E., Art and Design and Music. We also teach French as our Modern Foreign Language in KS2. Spanish Lessons are offered to all as an after school club. Please click on each subject to find out more.

Personal and Social Education / Relationships & Sex Education

We are committed to the education of the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. This includes the teaching of RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) at a level which is appropriate to the age and stage of development of our children.

We aim to:

  • Help them develop confidence and responsibility in themselves, and to help them to make the most of their abilities.
  • Help them prepare to play an active role as good citizens.
  • Help them to develop a safe & healthy lifestyle.
  • Help them to develop happy relationships and to be aware of and respect the differences between people.

Further aspects are covered through other areas of the curriculum. 

Relationships and Sex Education is taught to all ages throughout the school, at an age appropriate level.  It includes health education, sex education, moral and social interaction; equipping all children with the clear and scientific information they need to maintain successful and happy relationships and healthy minds and bodies. 

For more information about how we teach RSE at St Joseph's School, please click here.

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