Breakfast, After School & Holiday Club
Y-Kidz are the new wrap around provider for St Joseph's and offer an Ofsted registered fun and exciting wraparound childcare provision at the school.
- Before School, after school and during school holidays.
- Healthy Breakfast / afternoon snacks included
- Fun activities such as Sports, Arts, Crafts and free play
- Reception to Year 6 all welcome
Breakfast Club - 07:30 onwards
After School Club - After school until 18:00
School Holidays - 08:00 - 16:00
Breakfast Club Only - £6 (includes healthy breakfast options)
After School Club - £13.50 (includes snack)
Breakfast & After School Club - £18.00
School Holidays - £32.50 (snack provided but bring a packed lunch)
The breakfast and After school club bookings are discounted and will close 7 days in advance.
Y-Kids accept childcare vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare where applicable.
For more information on Y-Kids please contact
T: 01737784977
Email: children@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk

Athletix Kidz is a played-based Athletics programme for ages 2 ½ – 10 years old. Athletix Kidz endeavours to establish a robust foundation for a lifelong love of sport and a healthy active lifestyle. Athletics forms a large part of any fundamental movement which is a great platform for all sports.
Please click the button below to book a session.
Clubs and Activities at St Joseph's