Collective Worship
Collective Worship plays a key role in our prayer life focus in St Joseph’s
The sessions are held in individual classes on days when there is no whole key stage assembly.
We use the format of Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth. The children gather together in class and use candles, music, procession, singing or other means to create an atmosphere of calm and focus. Within this atmosphere they listen to the Word of God in scripture and then consider how the message that it gives might be used to live their own lives in a way that God intends.
The children love to take an active part which might be in a simple way such as lighting the candle or choosing the piece of music or the scripture story. However, as they progress through the school they are encouraged to take more responsibility and create their own sessions which they share with their class. There is an element of prayer and reflection where children are encouraged to choose a traditional prayer to say together or they might share a personal prayer intention.
Going forth from the session they might decide on an action they can take at school or at home during the week ahead, or they might have an activity to tie in with what they have heard and discussed.