Our Community

St Joseph's Association (SJA)
The St. Joseph's Association (SJA) is the school's parent - teacher association, which is run as a charity. The main aim of the association is as a social group for parents and carers, raising money for the school while having fun!
All parents/carers and school staff are members of the association, with trustees and a committee who make things happen.
President: Tammy Lawlor
Chair: Alana Quant
Secretary: Laura Wigginton
Treasurer: Christina Hart
Trustees: Dan Taylor, Anesu Timba Nekati, Rachel Todd, Natalie Carroll, Helen Clark, Sean Adams, Susanna Blackwell, Lucy Weeks.
The SJA officially meets once a term to discuss what events we would like to run and to consider requests from school for funding. Everyone is welcome to our meetings - the more the merrier! All our events will be updated on the school calendar, and details of our upcoming events will be posted below.
Our Primary Leadership Team
Our Primary Leadership Team (PLT) is made up of elected representatives from Year 2 to Year 6. The PLT hold regular meetings led by Mrs Brown. The children meet to share suggestions to develop our school community. The PLT often ask all children to contribute with great ideas using the PLT Pods around the school. Feedback is given to the classes by their representatives and ideas are then shared with staff and the school governor. The PLT are often tasked with finding out opinions and ideas for activities in the school community and then finding ways to action them.
The agenda is focused on encouraging pupil's voice and views on important school issues, such as the environment and encouraging healthy lifestyles, as well as looking at ways in which they can make our school an even better place.
The PLT are keen to talk to their peers in their classrooms and are very good listeners and problem solvers! They are proud of the contribution they make to the community of St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.