sports day picture 1

What is the Sport Premium Grant?

The Sport Premium Grant is provided to Primary Schools each year to assist with the delivery of high quality PE provision across the school. This funding is then reported back to the DfE to show how it is used. The links to the right show how the premium has been spent over previous years as well as our current plan for 2022/2023.

For this year the school has continued to adopt the Real PE platform from Jasmine to enhance learning both in and out of school. You can find out more about this platform by Clicking the Real PE logo at the bottom of the page.

The Government requires primary schools to spend the premium on improving the provision of PE and sport for their pupils as follows:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches with an emphasis on them working alongside primary classroom teachers when teaching PE
  • New or additional sports clubs
  • Supporting professional development opportunities in PE, sport, activity and health
  • Providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE or sport
  • Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the School Games
  • Buying resources or materials for PE and sport
  • Providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs