Attendance & Absence
At St Joseph's we expect and promote 100% attendance for all children.
- Registration takes place quickly and smoothly.
- The day gets off to a good start for everyone.
- Everyone hears information given and is included in important instructions and information to aid learning.
- It ensures that everyone knows what to do and understands what is expected.
- Regular attenders find school routines, school work and friendships easier to cope with.
- Time is wasted.
- Class concentration is disturbed.
- The teacher has to repeat information and instructions whilst the others have to wait.
- The child is at an immediate disadvantage because discussion may have been missed where ideas were shared.
- The child often feels unsettled or embarrassed.
- the child is marked late or absent. This information is made available to the Educational Welfare Officer when they visit.
Useful Links
Absence in School Time
Arriving Late to School
Please ensure that your child arrives on time to school. Gates are opened at 8:35am, and are closed at 8:50am after which time the child will need to be signed in at the front office, and will be marked as 'Late' to school in the school register.
All absences and late arrivals to school are regularly monitored by the school, and are monitored half-termly by the Education Welfare Officer from the Local Authority.
Planned Absence
It is very important that parents/carers notify the school of any planned pupil’s absence for safeguarding reasons and in order for it to be coded correctly in the school registers.
If your child has a planned absence, e.g., music exam, doctor, dentist or hospital appointment, please inform the school in writing before the appointment day. Wherever possible, doctor or dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.
A 'Leave of Absence Request' form must be completed and returned to the school prior to the start date of any absence. (See below for form)
Unplanned Absence
If if a child will be absent from school for any reason, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform the school as early as possible in the morning, but certainly by 9:00am. This communication can be via email to, phone call (leave a message on the answering machine) to 01737 765373, by letter or in person at the School Office.
Details of absence required by the school are:
- Your Name
- Child's Name
- Child's Class
- Reason for the absence. Please let us know a brief description of the problem (e.g., Jenny has developed chicken pox; John has an earache). 'Unwell' is not a sufficient description.
Parents of children who are not accounted for in our registers and no communication has been received to explain absence, will be contacted by the school as part of our safeguarding duties, to determine the child’s whereabouts. Parents must contact the school each day of any absence.
If your child is absent for 5 days or more we will require a note from their doctor.
Leaving School Early
If a pupil has to leave school for either illness or a medical/other appointment, they must be collected by their parent from the school office, where they will need to be signed out and signed in again on their return.