"Jesus’ mother stood near his cross. Jesus saw his mother. He also saw the follower he loved standing there. He said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the follower, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this follower took her to live in his home." - John 19:25-27

As Jesus looked down from the Cross, one of the last things he did was to entrust his own mother and disciples to each other.
Today, as Jesus's followers, we still have that special place for our Holy Mother Mary in our hearts, holding her close, just as Jesus did growing up.


Throughout the Month of May (Mary's Month) we reflect on this relationship, thinking closely about our Holy Mother and aim to deepen our relationship with her through prayer, music and by deepening our understanding. Our fabulous chaplain, Mrs Barnes also runs a Rosary Club which provides pupils to individually reflect and develop their faith.

This year has been no exception to this, and the month of May culminated in our annual May Procession.
The May Procession is the largest gathering of our community in the school calendar, welcoming parents, governors and the entire staff and student body together to worship. During the event, our incredible head boy and girl visit all 21 classes, carrying a statue of our Holy Mother, and lead us in processing through the grounds. After which, our incredible prayer leaders took over, leading us in reflection, prayer, and song alongside Father Tony.
Traditionally, The May Procession sees its congregation carrying flowers or candles, however this year we decided to use the opportunity to think about Catholic Social Teaching and our vocation as children of God. For this reason, with sustainability in mind, our pupils carried a variety of seeds which will go towards re-dedication to being stewards of the Earth.
Of course no honouring of our Holy Mother would be complete without a few flowers, so our Reception classes very kindly donated bouquets which were later given to Wray Common Care Home for all of their residents.

"The event was a wonderful display of how the school's faith can bring everyone together in an event well attended by parents and immaculately observed by all who were present" - K.Pullar (Governor)

"I feel it's really important to our school. It was a calm and peaceful environment to worship Our Lady" - Lucy (Year 5)

"It was a privilege to lead the children in song as they sang in reverence to God" - Mrs Tackie (Music Lead)