
School uniform contributes to a child's sense of belonging and signifies pride in our school.

We have a simple school uniform of navy, grey, white and emerald green. All of our uniform items can be purchased from our online school uniform shop, run by our supplier Zip Promotions Ltd. The secure online shop can be found by clicking the button.

All children join a house team when they start school, and will remain in those teams right through their schooling at St Joseph’s. Our house teams are called St Matthew, St Mark, St Luke and St John. Each house team are represented by their own house colour: Yellow, Blue, Red and Green. The children wear their house team coloured shirt for PE lessons, and the teams are brilliantly visible on Sports Day. The shirts can be purchased from the online shop.

Non-logo uniforms items can also be bought from high street shops. All uniform items specific to our school are listed as ‘St Joseph’s XXXX’ in the uniform list, for example ‘St Joseph’s polo shirt’, and should be purchased from our online shop.

To maintain a neat and tidy school uniform, we ask that:

  • Skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows girls to sit comfortably on the floor.
  • Shoes should be flat, black and appropriate for school. Your child should wear shoes which he or she can manage to do up independently. Please do not send your child to school in shoes which prevent them from running in the playground.
  • Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back at all times and hair bands/clips etc must be navy, black or brown.
  • Children should not wear make-up, coloured hair or nail varnish.
  • Children should come to school dressed in their PE uniform on the day of their PE lesson or if they are taking part in an ‘on-site’ sport club after school.
  • All school uniform and PE kit MUST be clearly named. Children can become upset as a result of lost clothing, so please help us by naming everything.
  • Only stud earrings may be worn to school. For health and safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear earrings or any other jewellery for PE. Your child’s teacher will advise you when PE lessons take place so that earrings can be removed.

More information regarding our school uniform and the times of year that different clothing is required can be found by clicking below to download our Uniform Guide for 2024-25.

Lost Property

Lost property is a problem at school! Please ensure that all items of clothing and belongings are very clearly labelled, which will allow lost items to be returned to their owner should they be found. If labelled, items will usually be returned very quickly!

Items left at school that are not named are returned to the approximate Year Group cloakroom area and the children may look for their missing property here. Please encourage your child to speak to a member of staff as soon as they are aware they have lost something so we can try to locate the item appropriately. 

We currently have a collection of items at our main reception and we encourage anyone who has lost anything recently to come and take a look.

Jewellery & Valuables

Jewellery including friendship bracelets may not be worn. While it is accepted that children with pierced ears may wear plain gold studs, it is preferred that they do not as they present a potentially very serious hazard in the school environment. All studs must be removed by the child for PE, and if the child cannot remove their own studs they should not be worn into school on that day.

From Year 3 onwards children may wear an inexpensive watch, but the school does not accept responsibility for lost studs or watches. No other valuables should be brought into school.

Mobile Phones and Digital Technology

It is strongly preferred that mobile phones and other mobile Digital Technology devices such as games consoles are not brought into school. If it is essential that they are,  parents must fill in a form and discuss the mobile phone policy and associated responsibilities with their child. They must not be taken into the classroom and must be turned off while on school premises. If a device is found to be used in a classroom it will be confiscated and taken to the main office where a parent may be asked to collect.

All devices brought onto the premises should be handed into the school office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day. 

The school cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to mobile devices of any kind.