Our Year 6 Faith leaders aim to raise the extent to which pupils contribute to the catholic life and ethos of our school. It is an important and prestigious role. Consequently, a photograph of them is displayed in every class RE corner. Their job description is constantly evolving, especially as the Faith leaders themselves contribute to its direction.

The Faith leaders play an active part in the weekly Gospel assembly. They prepare the music and altar, read the Gospel aloud and prepare and present questions for the rest of the school. They collect prayer intentions and lead the prayer. In addition to this, the Faith leaders present their own Child led assembly each half term. They hold half termly meetings to discuss ways in which pupils can become more active in the prayer life of the school. They have their own Google Classroom Access so that they can share ideas with each other and relevant staff members. They monitor and evaluate many aspects of Catholic life including prayer corners, liturgies and collective worship. They ensure that the thoughts and reflections of pupil are acted upon in future liturgies. They take responsibility for their own spiritual journal which is displayed at the front of the school. They are currently working on ideas for a Faith leader Award, where they plan to present a certificate to children who have shown the school and Gospel values.

Quotes from our Faith Leaders

Kayla – I like it when the younger children look up to you.

Annabella – The part I like best is helping with the KS1 and KS2 assemblies

Jakub – I help the younger children to be role models for their classmates, like we are.

Jaden – I like to help, guide and assist people